Silhouette currently has five (5) committees in addition to individual volunteer positions. If you’re interested in getting involved or joining one of the committees, please contact the committee chairperson.
Architectural Control Committee—the ACC has the primary responsibility to ensure residents maintain their property in compliance with the CC&Rs. This includes determining if planned exterior improvements or changes to their home or property are consistent with the CC&Rs and working with the management company to enforce compliance. Click to send an e-mail to the ACC Chairman.
Need to submit a request to modify the exterior of your property? Log in and click on "Account Info", then "ACC Request".
Beautification Committee—volunteers from this committee manage the Yard of the Month program and help with other beautification efforts throughout the neighborhood, such as cleanups and improvements to the subdivision entrances. More Info
Crime Watch Group—Silhouette is registered as a Crime Watch Area with the City of Allen, encouraging residents to be aware of their surroundings and send a message to criminals that Silhouette fights back against crime.
Social Event Committee
National Night Out Committee—volunteers from the Social Event Committee and Crime Watch Group join forces to host the neighborhood's annual National Night Out event in October.
Communications Committee—with the launch of the new website, Silhouette is seeking volunteers to help with keeping the website up to date.
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Hi, I’m Judi! I can answer questions related to your community and provide information about your account. I’m an AI chat agent and can occasionally make mistakes. Be sure to verify any important/legal account information, and items such as exterior modifications to your home that require approval.