Connect your Community With A Branded Website from CMA
Our branded websites are created individually for each association, and include a custom banner using your logo and/or pictures. You can select features such as:
Photo Gallery for special events, neighborhood pictures, etc.
Custom Website Address (domain costs may apply)
Owner Information page with association specific items important to residents
Customizable text on several pages within the site
Web page security can be restricted to registered website users only
Branded sites are managed by CMA
We can move your existing website content and pictures to a CMA custom website, cost based on time, billed in 15 minute increments.
CMA offers a fully integrated online solution!
A key advantage of CMA's software technology is its ability to offer Associations many online features, fully integrated with our homeowner database to provide real-time information 24/7. Association members will receive the following features as part of their online access:
View Account Ledger
Pay online via credit card, or e-check
View/comment on open Violations on owner's account
Submit Architectural Change (ACC) Requests online
View/comment on open ACCs on owner's account
Order Resale Certificate package
BOARD ONLY view of collections, holds, violations, balances, with search capability on Board Dashboard (real-time)
BOARD ONLY view of all open Violations (real-time)
BOARD ONLY view of Aging report (real- time)
View financial reports (By Owners or Board Only)
ACC committee can approve/deny and chat about ACC submittals online 24X7 (ACC Committee and Board have access (Board is read only)
E-mail blasts can be sent to owners that have registered through the website.
View documents for Association (CC&Rs, Meeting Minutes, Agendas, Budget documents converted to pdf format);
Security can be set to restrict access to Board Only.
View Calendar for Association
View Association Directory
Get Started With a CMA Website!
To request a demo or get a proposal for a branded website, complete the brief form below, and a qualified representative will contact you quickly. Websites are only available to associations managed by CMA.
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Hi, I am Cephai! I can answer questions related to Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions as well as
FAQs and information about your account. Give me a try and ask something related to these topics.